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Friday, November 9, 2012

Makeup by Friday - Teen Talk Barbie 1991

I was looking to have a "classic" Barbie doll face - very "barbiesh/fresh", but I couldn't find anything of what i was really looking for, the closest picture i got was this one of "The teen talk" barbie doll from 1991 (this doll was sold in Brazil and I have her somewhere at my father-in-law 's house)

source: flirck -

 And, the makeup didn't come up the way i was planning. I though it was too "dramatic" for the fresh feeling i was looking for, anyways here are the results.

I didn't like that much, well, practice, practice, practice is the key to learn...

I actually had done something in the past very similar to this one...

Hope everyone have a great weekeend!


  1. Wonderful job!! You really look very ninety! I love these make up posts!!

  2. Hello from Spain: wow wow ... you do gorgeous work. You are an expert in the world of makeup. Pretty colors. Keep in touch

  3. Hi Liz,
    wowwwwwww I love those eyes,they are gorgeous yet trendy!!!Well done!!:D

  4. Hi Marta and Pam,
    I have a loot to learn, I wish i had the $$$time$$$ to enrrol in a makeup course and improve the little I know, anyways I very much appreciatte the feedback :-)
    thanks girls!
